3 Steps That Permanently Re-Shape Your Body In LESS Than 1 Hour Each Week
By Tyler Bramlett,
Functional Training Expert, USAW Sports Performance Coach
Did you know that once you’re an adult, whether you’re a man or a woman, you start automatically gaining about a pound of extra fat every single year?
In fact, a recent study in the New England Journal of Medicine showed that your body stores even more fat once you hit age 25. And it adds up. If you’re a man you’re now packing on over five pounds a year. And if you’re a woman, every year your waistline is growing a little more than eight pounds.
Did you know that by the time you’re 30, you’re not only storing more fat… your body’s already starting to “break down”? As the needle on the scale creeps to the right, your bones, tendons and joints are getting weaker. And to add insult to injury, you’re actively losing lean muscle tissue. The muscle that used to make you look “toned” in all the right places and keep your metabolism running hot is now disappearing, as fat and cellulite take its place.
Did you know that all of this is preventable, and even reversible, at any age? That there are simple steps you can take to roll back your body’s fat-storing, muscle-wasting decline no matter how long it’s been creeping up on you?
That you can aim higher than just getting “back to normal”… and unleash hidden energy, strength, and flexibility you’ve never tapped into before, even at your “peak” (and look better than ever in the process)?
All you have to do is read this short article below, and you’ll discover the easiest way to transform your body and your energy for good – all in less than one hour a week.
This isn’t some diet company-sponsored puff-piece that ends up telling you to buy a bunch of shady supplements, or try the latest infomercial workout gimmick.
It doesn’t matter if you’re male or female, young, old or in-between. It doesn’t matter how strong or out-of-shape you are. The truth is, this works for anyone, at any level of fitness.
And wherever you’re at, it’s critical that you get this information now – whether you exercise everyday, or haven’t seen the inside of a gym or touched your toes in years.
My name is Tyler Bramlett, but people call me “the garage warrior” because I’ve spent the past 10 years literally scouring the globe, relentlessly researching the secret routines of the most respected fitness ‘gurus’ alive…
… and then putting them to the test here in my bare-bones garage “lab,” to turn them into simple steps anyone can follow without fancy equipment or experience.
As a trainer and coach, I’ve gone on to share this system in-person with over 500 people at my gym in Santa Cruz, California, and thousands more online.
And it always begins with these three key principles you must apply in order to stop your body’s “natural” weight-gain and muscle-loss, and start re-shaping your body so you can look and perform your best-ever.
But I should warn you upfront, what you’re about to see takes the “conventional wisdom” about fitness and fat-loss and turns it on its head.
So if you’re not ready to hear advice that goes beyond the usual cliches that same like they should work in a just world – like, “Do more cardio!” or, “Just lift heavier weights and take fat-burner pills!” – then this article is not for you.
However, if you do continue reading, you’ll finally find out why most people who begin an workout program following traditional advice lose little or no weight, and end up feeling worse.
These 3 Steps Reveal What You Must STOP Doing Before You Set Foot In A Gym If You're Tired Of Exercising With Nothing To Show For It – And Exactly How To Start Getting Results Your Very First Week…
Just follow the three steps below, and you’ll discover the workout pitfalls that can easily hold you back and keep you stuck at square one. Trust me, you won’t find these in any “diet magazine” or fitness blog.
AVOID Workouts Over 20 Minutes
There’s a reason gyms are filled with TV’s – most people’s workouts last so long, the only way they can stand the boredom is staring at a television screen.
But the truth is, marathon 45-minute, 60-minute, even 90-minute workouts do more harm than good. In fact, not counting warm-up and cool-down there’s no reason you should ever work out longer than 20 minutes… max.
And it’s not only because these drawn-out routines are almost impossible to stick with, or make time for in your day.
If you exercise much longer than 20 minutes, the extra time not only isn’t giving you any extra results… it can actually make you fatter.
That’s because longer workouts put strain on your body, causing it to release cortisol, a “stress hormone” that blocks fat-loss at a cellular level.
At the same time, extended exercise can flood your body with damaging “free radicals” that cause accelerated aging inside and out.
Fortunately, the latest science proves that when you do them the right way… SHORT workouts give you an extended “afterburn” benefit for up to 48 hours after you’re done.
Yes, that means you can literally “burn calories” while you sleep – and do it even more efficiently than if you were sweating it out for 90 minutes daily at the gym.
And you’ll see exactly how to do that on the next page.
FORGET Popular (But Dangerous) “Extreme” Workouts
From the kinds of intense running, jumping and “cross training” workouts many workout programs and trainers recommend, you’d think they were getting kickbacks from physical therapists and chiropractors.
Most trainers can confidently teach you how to use one of the machines at the gym, but only a few really know what they’re talking about when it comes to “good form” for routines like running, weights, or bodyweight exercises.
And that can be fatal to your fat-loss and fitness goals… because if you get bad advice, you can easily end up doing the same “wrong move” over and over, until it wrecks you.
So unless you’re a professional athlete, if any trainer or fitness ‘guru’ tries to sell you on jumping straight into movements you have no idea how to do, and just “suck it up” if they feel too hard… don’t run, sprint in the other direction.
There’s a smarter (and much more efficient) way to get more results from every workout – I’ll cover the details right on the next page.
STOP Switching Up Your Routine (Hint: “Muscle Confusion” Doesn’t Work)
Lately, a lot of fitness programs try to convince you you’ll get better results and never get bored because before your body can “adapt” to one workout, you’re already switching to another random workout. Don’t believe it. You can’t “trick” your body into losing fat and getting fit.
Making your body “guess” using some disruptive techniques can work, but most workouts “disrupt” all the wrong things. You need to make sure your workout switches the right things up at the right times, so that your fat loss builds from one session to the next.
Otherwise, you’re constantly taking one step forward… and two steps back.
The good news is, you can take the “confusion” out of your workouts without getting bored doing the same routine again and again. And while you’re at it, you can cut your weekly exercise time down to less than an hour, while getting results you can see and feel with every single session.
Over the past 10 years, I’ve perfected this unique step-by-step strategy into a men’s and women’s workout system I call “CT-50.”
It’s a breakthrough way to transform and re-shape your body in less than one hour each week – without fancy equipment, or even leaving home, if you choose. There are no heavy weights… nothing “extreme” or “insane”… and absolutely zero mind-numbing cardio sessions.
Instead, it’s designed to take you from wherever you are now, and move you steadily toward your goals.
I’m not going to lie – you’re going to have to meet me halfway here. If you’re committed to long, marathon workouts and you’re not willing to cut back to less than 20 minutes per session… then this is NOT for you.
If you insist on going from “zero to 60” without following the right steps to make sure you get results without injury or ‘over-training’… this is not for you.
And if you’re not ready put in some intense, challenging effort during just a few short sessions each week, then this is not for you.
The truth is, anything that really works is simple, but never easy.
However, it’s safe… it’s proven from 10 years’ experience with over 500 personal clients… and if you put in the effort, it will pay you back many times over, faster than you think. Fair enough?
What's Next?
If you’re ready to get started and see exactly how CT-50 kick-starts your fat-loss and fitness and practically forces you to keep hitting new goals without ever hitting a “plateau” or getting bored…
Then click the “Next” button below, because the step-by-step specifics of the CT-50 System are waiting for you on the very next page (along with how to get started today, with zero learning curve)…